C'est d'actualité : le colloque Argumentation et Droit aura lieu le 14, 15 et 16 novembre 2005 à l'Université de Lille 3.

Toujours via Sander09, je découvre le portail Logic and Law dont le but est de fournir

a forum for the exchange of ideas among European researchers in the domain of Logic and Law; to promote the development of interdisciplinary research collaboration between these researchers; to document the state of the art in this domain, and to provide a roadmap of the research challenges that now confront it; to promote the development of research in the more general formal theory of normative systems; to identify potential areas of application of these formal theories to legal, governmental and administrative/organisational practice, for instance in connection with the design of legal/administrative knowledge-based systems and the formal specification of systems for e-government.

ainsi que la revue danoise Phinews, qui a, elle, l'ambition de

  • To consolidate philosophical logic as an interdisciplinary activity
  • To report on, and hopefully aid the coordination of, the research activities, conference activities and publications in philosophical logic, its applications and neighbouring disciplines
  • To shape and sharpen the general interest in philosophical logic and communicate important results and break-throughs in the field to a less specialized audience

Editée par The Danish Network for Philosophical Logic and Its Applications, les huits numéros sont disponibles en téléchargement.